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Sikorsky Archives Opens New Home at Sacred Heart University
- by Frank Colucci

On 12 October, the Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives formally opened its new home at Sacred Heart University (SHU) in Fairfield, Connecticut. The modern office, research and meeting space is collocated with the SHU School of Computer Science & Engineering on the University’s West Campus. It gives the Archives the secure space and information architecture to preserve, catalog and access the documents and memorabilia of Igor Sikorsky and the company that bears his name. Sergei Sikorsky, son of the helicopter pioneer, told the SHU audience, “The Archives are the history not only of Sikorsky Aircraft, but the history of aviation as seen from 1909-1910 to the present time. The Archives are our heritage. The Archives have found a good home, and the Archives are in good hands.”

The independent, non-profit Archives are staffed by volunteers with extensive experience in Sikorsky aircraft design, manufacturing, and support. The new, accessible facility replaces the now-demolished Barrett House previously on the restricted grounds of the Sikorsky Stratford plant and makes the historical materials available to scholars, researchers and journalists. The collection includes Igor Sikorsky’s hand-drawn design books, original still photo and motion picture records, and extensive correspondence between Sikorsky and other pioneers such as Charles Lindberg and Henry Ford. It covers Sikorsky’s fixed-wing achievements in Russia and the United States and his enduring work on the helicopter.

Archives president Dan Libertino noted, “Today gives the Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives a new home. It gives Sacred Heart University powerful teaching resources, and Lockheed Martin a clear picture of Sikorsky’s technical and corporate history.” The opening of the new Archives coincided with the 100th anniversary of Sikorsky Aircraft, today a Lockheed Martin company, and President Paul Lemmo observed, “There’s no other place in the parent company that has a heritage like this. They all started with founders like Igor, but it’s been lost over time. It hasn’t been lost at Sikorsky. . . We want to continue the brand, the name, the culture that we have, and the technical excellence in building the best helicopters.”

The Sikorsky Archives share a floor with the Sacred Heart University Ideas Lab. SHU president Dr. John Petillo said, “The Sikorsky name is really synonymous here in Connecticut with innovation, creativity. Our students, will be fascinated by the innovative mind of Igor. We look forward to strengthening our ties with Sikorsky. We are truly honored to be entrusted with these archives. They’re an important piece of Connecticut history, and to have them here on our campus is an accomplishment that we’re very proud of.”