Igor Sikorsky
Honors and Awards
- June 19, 1935 – MASTER OF SCIENCE – Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
- October 3, 1941 – DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING – Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- January 28, 1944 – General William E. Mitchell Memorial Award
- October 5, 1951 – Daniel Guggenheim Medal and Certificate
- December 17, 1951 – Appointed to represent Helicopter Industry in accepting the 1950 Collier Trophy. Presented by President Truman at the White House, Washington, D.C.
- May 5, 1955 – London, England- Elected an Honorary Fellow of The Royal Aeronautical Society
- September 29, 1962 – Honorary Fellow, The Society of Experimental Test Pilots
- February 13, 1968 – The National Medal of Science 1967, presented by President Johnson in East Room of the White House, Washington, D.C.
- April 1, 1968 – elected member of the National Academy of Engineering
1. Cross of St. Vladimir – Russia.
2. Honorary medal from Russian Imperial Technical Society.
3. Honorary member of Russian Imperial Aero Club.
4. February 8, 1933 – HOWARD N. POTTS MEDAL from Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.
Presented “in consideration of his pioneer work and inventions in the development of multi-motored airplanes of various types, for different uses, including amphibians and the largest combined planes for land and water service, and of his method of directing control of multi-motored machines by the use of an automatic stabilizer.”
5. June 19, 1935 – MASTER OF SCIENCE – Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Presented for “brilliant contribution to man’s mastery of tile air, skilled and resourceful designer of ships which linked continent to continent in swift, new bonds of friendship.”
6. May 30, 1939 Certificate from Minister of Education, Paris, France.
7. June 15, 1941 MASTER OF ARTS – Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.
Presented for “pioneering in aviation and contributions to flying in heavier-than-air craft.”
8. October 2, 1941 – Elected to Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi – Rhode Island State College.
9. October 3, 1941 – DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING – Lehigh University, Bethlehem Pa.
Presented “in recognition of your distinguished achievements in aviation and contributions to the science of aeronautics.”
10. January 26, 1943 – SYLVANUS ALBERT REED AWARD FOR THE YEAR 1942 – Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, New York.
Presented “for the creation and reduction to successful practice of a helicopter of superior controllability.”
11. Elected Honorary Fellow of Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences on January 26, 1943.
12. January 8, 1943 – Certificate in appreciation of lecture before Aircraft Club, Detroit, Michigan.
13. March 19, 1943 – DOCTOR OF LAW – Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida.
Presented “for your outstanding contributions to aeronautical engineering, and in so doing, pay tribute, not only to your professional achievements, but also to the qualities of integrity, loyalty, and devotion to the public welfare which you represent.”
14. April 23, 1943 – Certificate in appreciation of services as Cyrus Fogg Brackett Lecturer presented by Princeton University.
15. April 26, 1943 – AMERICAN DESIGN AWARD FOR YEAR 1943
Presented by Lord & Taylor, New York, “for distinguished designing in the field of aeronautics.”
Presented “by reason of his distinguished contributions to Aeronautical Engineering.”
17. May 24, 1943 – COPERNICAN CITATION
Presented by Kosciuszko Foundation, New York, as “Pioneer aeronautical engineer, who has created a helicopter of revolutionary implications and given man new freedom of movement in the air.”
18. September 19, 1943 – DOCTOR OF SCIENCE – Rhode Island State College, Kingston, Rhode Island.
Citation: “Russian by birth, American by choice; soldier, flier, creative engineer; since 1934 counselor, and by that token, friend of Rhode Island State College; “The list of your good works is long. You designed the first multi-motored airplane, the first amphibian plane, and the first successful ocean clipper. Having created the designs, you then built and flew each of these aircraft. Your latest achievement – the helicopter, is a veritable magic carpet which, though now serving the purposes of war, already gives promise in the postwar years of opening new horizons for peace-loving men. These and other contributions to aeronautical engineering place you in the front rank of the pioneers of the aerial age. Your historic position in science is high and secure. Moreover, you have built on sound foundations of philosophy and of religion. Today we are pleased to honor you, recognizing your contributions to the good life and your profound faith in God and in man. On authority vested in me by the Board of Trustees, I confer upon you, honoris causa; the degree of Doctor of Science.”
Endowed by Frank A. Tichenor, Editor and Publisher of Aero Digest, Awarded “as the U.S. citizen making the outstanding individual contribution to aviation progress.” (Presented by the Award Committee of Aviators Post No. 743, American Legion, at an Early Bird Dinner.)
20. February 13, 1944 – FIRST ANNUAL FAWCETT AVIATION AWARD AND $1,000.00
Presented by Major Al Williams on Behalf of Fawcett Publications, Inc. for his “development of the helicopter as 1943’s most significant aviation achievement.” (Presentation made by Maj. Williams on the “We, the People” program over CBS network broadcast.)
21. June 1, 1944 – Elected to Honorary Membership in Aero Club of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Presented “In appreciation of his outstanding achievement in the development of helicopters.”
22. June 3, 1944 – DOCTOR OF SCIENCE – Northeastern University, Boston, Mass.
“Because of your distinguished and remarkable achievements as a pioneer in the design, development and construction of the airplane, both in this and in other nations, and because of your notable service to the war effort as the Engineering Manager of the United Aircraft Corporation, the Board of Trustees have authorized me to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Science.
23. June 21, 1944 – WORCESTER REED WARNER MEDAL FOR 1943 (With Certificate)
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers “For contributions inspiring creative engineering, especially in Aeronautics.”
“Whose work in the advancement and development of the helicopter has constituted an outstanding achievement.”
25. April 23, 1945 – Honorary Coast Guard Helicopter Pilot – U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, New York
“In honor of his development of the first practical helicopter.”
26. May 28, 1945 – DOCTOR OF SCIENCE – University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.
“In recognition of high attainment and motive of service.”
27. January 28, 1947 – Awarded FRANK M. HAWKS MEMORIAL TROPHY
In “recognition of his development of the helicopter.” Award presented by Air Service Post No. 501 of the American Legion, at a Wings Club Dinner.
28. February 1, 1947 – FEDERATION AERONAUTIQUE INTERNATIONALE., Paris, France, announces award of Gold Medal to Mr. Sikorsky for outstanding aeronautical achievement in 1946. (Mr. Sikorsky to receive Medal during ceremonies to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, sometime in September.)
Citation: “To those who in the course of the preceding year, ending December 31, shall have contributed exceedingly by their action, their work, their performance, their initiative, or their zeal, to the progress and development of aeronautics.”
29. September 15, 1947 – Elected to Gamma Alpha Rho, National Honorary Aeronautical Society – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
“Having shown devotion to the advancement of the proficiency in the Aeronautical Sciences.”
30. December 16, 1948 – Awarded PRESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE OF MERIT
Presentation made by W. Stuart Symington, Department of the Air Force – at Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C. – “For Design and Mass Production of Rotary Wing Aircraft.” (signed by Harry S. Truman.)
31. May 26, 1949 – Awarded SILVER MEDAL by Royal Aeronautical Society of England
Presented at Hotel Astor, New York City at Second International Conference Dinner (Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences and the Royal Aeronautical Society) for his achievements in the helicopter field. First American to receive this top award. Presented by Sir John Buchanan, President of the Society.
Presented at the Honors Banquet of The American Helicopter Society Forum in Washington, D.C. Awarded for “notable achievement in the advancement of rotary-wing aeronautics.”
For “a lifetime of outstanding contributions to aeronautics “including pioneering with multi-engine airplanes, flying boats, amphibians and helicopters.” Presented at the National Aeronautic Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers in Los Angeles. Members of Daniel Guggenheim Medal Board of Award are: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences and United Engineering Trustees, Inc.
34. December 17, 1951 – Appointed to represent Helicopter Industry in accepting the 1950 COLLIER TROPHY
Presented by President Truman at the White House, Washington, D.C.
35. December 1951 Nominated “CONNECTICUT MAN OF THE YEAR” by the Bridgeport “Herald.”
36. January 1952 Elected by editors of POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE as one of fifty Americans chosen for the POPULAR MECHANICS HALL OF FAME.
“He is elected as one of the fifty Americans deserving honor of their fellow men for their achievements in the fields of mechanics, the sciences and discovery, and for their contributions to the welfare of mankind during the past half century.”
37. October 23, 1952 – Washington, D.C. – NATIONAL DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION AWARD
Presentation by Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter who named him “Mr. Helicopter.” “In recognition of your valuable contribution to the design and development of the helicopter which promises revolutionary advances in both logistical and tactical problems of warfare.”
38. December 1952 – GODFREY LOWEL CABOT AWARD by Aero Club of New England, Boston, Mass.
Mr. Sikorsky unable to be present – Mr. Benham attended and accepted award for him.
39. March 10, 1952 – Les Chevaliers de la Croix de Lorraine et Compagnons de la Resistance – rank of Chevalier et Compagnon Honoraire.
40. September 17, 1952 – Honorary Member, Free French War Veterans and Ladies’ Auxiliary, Inc., New York Post No. 1
“In recognition of his outstanding services on their behalf.”
41. October 14, 1953 – The National Aeronautic Association of U.S.A.
“In appreciation and recognition of real pioneering efforts which have contributed so importantly to the continuing progress of aeronautics during the first half-century since Kitty Hawk.”
42. A.S.M.E. – December 1, 1951 – Awarded Grade of Fellow.
43. 1953 – Honorary Commodore – International Multi-hulled Boat Racing Association.
44. December 5, 1953 – Elected to Alpha Eta Rho – International Aviation Fraternity University of Denver, Denver, Colorado.
45. October 19, 1954 – Hartford, Connecticut – Distinguished Public Service Award of the State Bar Association of Connecticut.
46. November 19, 1954 – THE JOHN SCOTT MEDAL AND PREMIUM ($1000)
Awarded by The City of Philadelphia, Board of Directors of City Trusts for “the invention of the first practically useful single sustaining rotor helicopter.” Award received in Philadelphia June 1, 1955 – (bronze medal) and certificates
47. April 19, 1955 – CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION, SAE Golden Anniversary Aeronautic Meeting, New York City
Presented to Igor I. Sikorsky “whose technical achievements have contributed greatly to the development of aviation as an instrument of commerce and as an arm of our Nation’s defense.”
48. April, 29, 1955 – London, England – JAMES WATT INTERNATIONAL MEDAL
Awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers – Gold Medal.
49). May 5, 1955 – London, England- Elected an HONORARY FELLOW OF THE ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY
Elected March 31, 1955 – certificate awarded May 5, 1955.
50. June 13, 1955 – AWARDED DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE HONORIS CAUSA by Colby College, Waterville, Maine.
51. Dec. 17, 1955 – Washington, D.C. – Designated as ELDER STATESMAN OF AVIATION (certificate) by the National Aeronautic Association
“… in recognition of his significant and enduring contributions over the years to the progress of aeronautics and his demonstrated qualities of patriotism, integrity, and moral courage worthy of emulation.” (Certificate presented to Mr. Sikorsky at Wings Club Dinner, New York City, Nov. 13, 1956.)
52. Member Beta Psi Alpha Fraternity.
53. January 28, 1957 – Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, Inc., New York City.
On this occasion the Award Committee of the IAS honored pioneers who individually contributed to the development and advancement of water-based aviation. Mr. Sikorsky was included in this group “for your outstanding contributions as a pioneer in this field.” Special certificate received.
54. October 4, 1957 – National Business Aircraft Association, Inc., 10th Annual Meeting and Forum, Denver, Colorado.
Presentation of NBAA Meritorious Award to Igor I. Sikorsky “whose half-century of vision, resourcefulness and determination in pioneering and developing fixed and rotary wing aircraft has given new dimensions to the world community of commerce.”
55. October 29, 1957 – National Aviation Club, Washington, D.C. – received MAN-OFTHE-MONTH HONORS and presented honorary membership in the, Club.
56. October 23, 1957 – Order of Daedalians, Kelley Air Force Base, Texas.
Selected as honorary member of the Order of Daedalians which is an organization of World War I pilots who were commissioned prior to October 12, 1918.
57. January 22, 1958 – Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Received Distinguished Citizen’s Award.
Presented by French Ambassador to the United States, Herve Alphand, at French Embassy, Washington, D.C.
59. April 11, 1960 – Elected a BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FELLOW of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce, London, England. ‘
60. May 12, 1960 – Received the 1959 GROVER E. BELL AWARD at the Honors Night Dinner of the American Helicopter Society, Washington, D.C.
61. In 1961 – United Aircraft Corporation established the IGOR I. SIKORSKY INTERNATIONAL TROPHY
To be awarded to the company which annually designs and builds a helicopter that establishes a world record. Presentation to take place at American Helicopter Society Forum each year.
62. May 19, 1962 – Engineer of the Year 1962 Award, Connecticut Society of Professional Engineers, Bridgeport, Conn.
63. June 3, 1962 – DOCTOR OF LAW – HONORARY – University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Conn.
64. September 29, 1962 – HONORARY FELLOWSHIP – The Society of Experimental Test Pilots
Awarded at Awards Banquet, Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, California
Personally awarded on November 8, 1962 by Mr. C. (Corky) Myer in Mr. Sikorsky’s office.
65. May 6, 1963 – Selected one of six “Senior Builders” of the metropolitan Bridgeport area by the Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce.
Awarded engraved silver bowl at dinner at Algonquin Club, Bridgeport, Conn.
66. Nov. 20, 1963 – ASME MEDAL
“… for distinguished service in engineering and science, for your outstanding leadership in the design and timely application of the helicopter as an essential commercial and military transportation medium.” (Presented at banquet during Winter Annual Meeting of the Society Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.)
67. September 29, 1964 – AMERICAN HELICOPTER SOCIETY TROPHY SILVER BOWL, commemorating 25th anniversary of the first flight of the VS-300, first successful helicopter in the Western Hemisphere.
Presented at luncheon, New York City. Also presented with plaque commemorating this flight by Sikorsky Quarter Century Club.
“… for the concept and development of a new form of aerial transportation capable of carrying and placing large external loads over any terrain.11 (Presented at a meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Hilton Hotel, New York, N.Y.)
69. May, 1965 – Establishment of an IGOR I. SIKORSKY PROFESSORSHIP in Engineering Mechanics at the University of Bridgeport through a grant by United Aircraft Corporation.
The grant will be used to supplement the basic salary of an outstanding faculty member who, through the professorship, will be attracted to the University.
70. June 13, 1965 – HONORARY DOCTOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE from Trinity College. Hartford, Conn. where he was also Commencement speaker.
Citation: “In youth a gifted -student of aeronautical science, in maturity an amazingly ingenious inventor, designer, builder of the helicopter and other aircraft, esteemed citizen of his adopted country, many times honored for his patriotic service in war and peace.”
71. December 2, 1965 – National Association Of Manufacturers’ Modern Pioneers in Creative Industry Medal for his “creative genius in the aeronautical field.”
72. February 21, 1966 – Iron Gate Chapter of the U.S. Air Force Association’s MAN OF THE YEAR IN AVIATION AWARD
For developing the helicopter “which has repeatedly proved vital, both in defense of all free men and on missions of mercy in the midst of war.”
73. April 25, 1966 – The Wisdom Society’s Award of Honor
“… for contributing significantly to the development of the intellectual life of America and to the highest aspirations of the human mind and spirit.”
74. May 28, 1966 – Elected to the Hall of Fame of the International Aerospace Hall of Fame, San Diego, California.
75. June 5, 1966 HONORARY DOCTOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE from Fairfield University.
76. Nov. 17, 1966 Award of Merit awarded by The Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association at meeting held in Miami, Florida,
“… in appreciation of his outstanding contribution to the aviation industry.”
77. October 6, 1967 – STEVENS HONOR AWARD MEDALLION by The Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey.
78. November 15, 1967 – JOHN FRITZ MEDAL AND CERTIFICATE FOR 1968
Selected by the John Fritz Medal Board of Award – this Award is the highest honor which the organized engineering profession can bestow for “notable scientific or industrial achievement.” Medal awarded to Mr. Sikorsky for “Pioneering achievements in aviation including development of the first successful single rotor helicopter.” Presented at Annual Banquet of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
79. December 14, 1967 – 1967 WRIGHT TROPHY
Selected by Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy Committee to receive 1967 Wright Brothers Trophy. Presented at Wright Day Dinner, Washington, D.C.
80. February 13, 1968 – THE NATIONAL MEDAL OF SCIENCE FOR 1967 (one of 12 scientists receiving this award)
Presented by President Johnson in East Room of the White House, Washington, D.C. “For pioneering in the development of multi-engined aircraft, both land and sea planes, and for developing the helicopter as a useful and important device of aerial transportation.”
81. April 1, 1968 – elected member of NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING
“in recognition and in honor of your important contributions to engineering and your leadership in the field.”
82. June 6, 1968 – Reading Air Show, Reading, Penna.
Bronze plaque: “In tribute to Igor I. Sikorsky, whose consistent vision and pioneering concepts have widened the horizon of flight, the Fellowship of Aviation through The Reading Air Show offers this symbol of respect and dedicates to him this day – June 6, 1968.”
83. December 17, 1968 – Dayton, Ohio – Nominated and elected to the Aviation Hall of Fame in recognition of his many historic and outstanding contributions to aviation.
Presented at enshrinement ceremonies by Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle, USAF (Ret). Mr. Sikorsky unable to attend personally; his son, Nikolai, attended and accepted honors for him – portrait of Mr. Sikorsky by Milton Caniff and an Award Plaque “for outstanding contributions to aviation by his development of large multi-engine aircraft, including flying boats used in commercial transoceanic flights, and for developing the single-rotor helicopter.”
84. May 20, 1969 – Honored at luncheon at the Wings Club, New York City, commemorating his 80th birthday (May 25, 1969).
Luncheon given by Sikorsky Aircraft. Many notables and pioneers in the field of aviation industry and press attended.
85. December 3, 1970 – MERWIN K. HART AWARD
Conferred by the National Economic Council, New York City, in recognition of “your courageous and unfaltering leadership in espousing the principles of a free economy under a limited government, dedication to the cause of freedom above all powers and with no thought of personal gain.” Award accepted for Mr. Sikorsky by Richard Orr at dinner held in New York City.
86. December 17, 1970 – named to THE FIRST FLIGHT SHRINE for 1970
Ahrine established by The First Flight Society, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, to honor persons who have accomplished major “firsts” in the field of flight.
87. February 22, 1971 Bridgeport Area Chamber of Commerce salutes Sikorsky Founder and Firm Luncheon, Stratfield Hotel.
“Five decades of accomplished service by men and women at Sikorsky Aircraft have brought world recognition to the Bridgeport-Stratford area.”
88. May 13, 1971 – Eli Whitney Award of the Connecticut Patent Law Association
First recipient of this award established to honor men who have made outstanding contributions to science or law. Presented at annual meeting at Hillandale Country Club, Trumbull, Conn.
89. May 14, 1971 – United States Air Force Academy’s Thomas D. White National Defense Award
“In recognition of your great contribution to the national defense and security of the United States.”
90. September 24, 2015 – Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial commemorated at Abraham Nichols Park, Trumbull, Connecticut
The Historical Society and the Town of Trumbull, with the support of the Sikorsky Foundation and the Sikorsky Historical Archives, erected a permanent memorial at Abraham Nichols Park in honor of long-time town resident Igor Sikorsky and was dedicated on Thursday, September 24, 2015.
The MEMORIAL features an exhibit in the museum of the many accomplishments of Igor Sikorsky (1889-1972), who invented the modern helicopter and developed other aviation breakthroughs.