Igor I Sikorsky
The Legendary Aviation Pioneer
Latest News & Articles
Sikorsky Builds Big – the S-56
Sikorsky Archives Participates in Two Roads Brewing’s 2025 Igor’s Dream Release Day
Sikorsky’s Other Aviation Pioneer: Michael Gluhareff
Sikorsky Takes the UTTAS Prize
Sacred Heart University Hockey Game to Benefit the Igor I Sikorsky Historical Archives
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Learn about the Life of Igor Sikorsky
Already an established Russian aviation pioneer, Igor Sikorsky arrived in New York on March 30, 1919 brimming with dreams and aspirations for a new life and continued career in aviation. His passport reveals that he entered America to “construct aircraft”.
Igor Sikorsky had three careers in aviation: designing fixed wing aircraft in Russia including the first multi-engine aircraft, designing fixed wing aircraft including flying boats in America, and pioneering the helicopter and rotorcraft.
Join the archives
The mission of the Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives is to acquire, manage, protect and make accessible to qualified persons for research and educational purposes, historical documents and memorabilia associated with Igor I. Sikorsky, his life and his careers in aviation, and the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, as well as related predecessor companies.